Tomorrow's the Deadline

Dear John,

A quick question for you:

Have you made your year-end gift to Earthworks yet?

If so, thank you! Your generosity will help protect some of our country’s most spectacular natural locations and give communities threatened by mining, drilling, and fracking the support they need to stand up to giant corporations, complicit politicians, and uncaring regulators.

If you haven’t yet sent in your gift, please click HERE now to make an online contribution.

It’s quick, easy and secure.

And your support will be warmly appreciated by vulnerable families desperate for someone to stand with them in their fight for environmental justice. 


Thank you for being that someone!


Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director, Earthworks

P.S. Tomorrow is the deadline to make your 2022 tax-deductible contribution. Click HERE now to donate online. Thanks again!  |  Make a Donation

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Washington, DC 20006
202-887-1872 | [email protected] 
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