DC Poor People's Campaign Actions in January

Dear John


[Re-sending with link to MLK Day event fixed.]


Happy New Year to you and your family!


Join the DC Poor People's Campaign at these events in January.

  • Bundle up and come out for speakers including Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, music and prayer at a Vigil for Democracy on January 5th.
  • March with the DC PPC at DC's annual MLK Peace Walk and Parade on Monday January 16th.
  • See below. for details about these actions and many other ways to get involved in our movement throughout the year.  

Faithful Democracy Vigil at the Capitol


Join the Franciscan Action Network’s Interfaith prayer vigil on Thursday, January 5th from 6 to 7 pm at the Capitol (or online). Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Director of the Kairos Center and PPC co-chair is one of the featured speakers.


The Franciscan Action Network, Light4America, and the Declaration for American Democracy are hosting the interfaith "Faith In Democracy'' vigil on Thursday January 5, 2023 from 6-7pm to reflect and pray for democracy and peace. Register here.


To join other DC PPC folks at the vigil, contact Liz McNichol at [email protected]. We'll choose a time and place to meet up.


March with the DC Poor People’s Campaign at the DC MLK Day Parade


Join the DC PPC contingent at DC's annual MLK Peace Walk and Parade on Jan 16, 2023. Sign up here if you can be there and to help recruit people to march with us.

Other Opportunities


  • We're looking for a second volunteer to help organize a clergy partners' meeting.
  • Help organize a movie screening in January. Contact Zillah at [email protected]
  • We can also use help with social media.

Email Liz at [email protected] about the following opportunities: 


Forward Together! Not One Step Back!


Liz McNichol, Co-Chair, DC Poor People's Campaign


P.S. I hope you heard the news about Bishop Barber. Here's a section of Bishop Barber's  letter to us.

Bishop Barber to become Founding Director of the

Center for Public Theology and Public Policy at Yale University


Dear Poor People’s Campaign Family,


This coming year, I will retire as pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina, where I have served as senior pastor since 1993. I will join the faculty at Yale Divinity School as a Professor in the Practice of Public Theology and Public Policy and Founding Director of the new Center for Public Theology and Public Policy. The Center will focus its work on the intersection of theology, social justice, and public policy. This endeavor is a continuation and institutionalization of decades-long moral movement-building work that grows out of a deep understanding of theology and practice of public ministry.


The Center will teach and train students to examine the relationship between conventional religious study and practice and their theologically-based moral requirement to care for “the least of these” who face poverty, injustices, and oppression in their everyday lives. Through the Center, students will have the opportunity to participate in social justice movements and to study and learn directly from clergy and pastors who do social justice work as an integral part of their pastoral obligations. 



We must continue our work to shift the narrative, build power, and implement a Third Reconstruction Agenda that fully addresses the needs of poor and low-wealth people in this nation.


Forward Together, Not One Step Back!


Bishop William J. Barber, II DMin.


[Bishop Barber will continue to serve as founding president of Repairers of the Breach and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.]