Environmental Working Group
My personal request to you: Join me in supporting EWG’s work to protect our health and environment
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Dear friend,
Each of you reading this has an EWG story. I like to say that I came to the organization for the advice, but I stayed for the advocacy.
When I became a mother, I encountered a lot of misleading and contradictory advice. EWG was the only resource that told me the truth when it came to making decisions for my kids’ health.
That’s why I’m grateful for EWG. I know I can count on them to help me avoid toxic chemicals in our food, water and products.
They always put our health first, and we need a lot more of that right now. That’s why during this season of giving I’m supporting the organization that gives us so much. Will you join me?
I’m asking you to please make a tax-deductible gift to EWG of just $15 – or as much as you can spare. EWG set a goal of raising $82,075 by midnight 12/31, but they’ll only reach it if their supporters – like you and me – give before tomorrow night. Can you donate now? It would mean the world to me and even more for our environment if you help fund the work no one does but EWG.
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Click here to make your year-end donation right now. Your tax-deductible gift will be MATCHED dollar for dollar, but only until midnight tomorrow.
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I continue to turn to EWG again and again. We need EWG’s strict standards and their resolve to never take “I don’t know” for an answer. Whether it’s their work on PFAS chemicals, the Skin Deep® cosmetics database, the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ or the Guide to Healthy Cleaning, EWG gives us the tools we need to make the best, healthiest decisions for ourselves and our families.
EWG does all of this as a nonprofit, charitable organization, which means they count on you and me to keep doing their important work.
I hope you will join me in supporting EWG’s year-end fundraising efforts. Please, friend, make a tax-deductible donation right now – there are only a few hours left to double your gift.
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Thank you for standing with me and EWG.
Michelle Pfeiffer
EWG Board Member, Activist, Actress and Entrepreneur
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This email was sent to xxxxxx@gmail.com. To change your preferred email address, click here. [[link removed]]EWG's mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. EWG is a non-profit and non-partisan organization. The EWG Action Fund, a separate sister organization of EWG, is a legislative advocacy organization that promotes healthy and sustainable policies.
1250 I Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC xxxxxx
202-667-6982 | ewg@ewg.org
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