new tickets available

John, our most popular Digital Academy course, Digital Best Practices, is full! But, we don't want to turn away people eager to learn these digital skills. So we're bringing in two outstanding, experienced digital trainers to help coach trainees; AFL-CIO Senior Digital Strategist Caleb-Michael Files and Jelani Drew-Davi, former Campaign Manager at CREDO Action.

We kick off on Thursday, so reserve your seat ASAP!

Do you need help building a strategic social media presence for organizing? Want to improve your email blasts and website? Then our popular training, Digital Best Practices, is right for you!

Starting Thursday January 16, join Netroots' partner New Media Mentors for a series of three interactive webinars. Each webinar is followed by a private coaching session we schedule together. So that’s 6 hours of learning right at your desk.

These webinars are Thursdays, January 16, 23rd and February 6th at 1pm ET.

Whether you’re new to digital work or have been at it for a while, you can always use a refresher. We teach the digital skills you need to run an effective nonprofit or movement-building organization in 2020.

Participating is easy: webinars are held live, but also recorded to view to at any time. You have great flexibility to schedule the times for your personalized follow-up sessions and choose the areas where you want to focus your learning. We limit the number of students, so you’ll get the attention you need.

Not sure if this training is the right level for you? Contact us to discuss.

If you are looking for a deeper dive into Twitter, Instagram and Influencers we are leading an additional 1 hour webinar on February 13th, 1pm ET. It is a great accompaniment to the Digital Best Practices course.

Join us and learn!

Elana Levin

New Media Mentors/ Netroots Nation

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