Dear John:

This year has seen constant attacks on our democracy, disturbing disinformation campaigns designed to stoke fear and violence, and cynical manipulations of racial and social tensions to distract voters from the real crises facing our nation and planet.

CMD’s intrepid crew of investigative reporters has been hard at work this year exposing these and other threats:

  • CMD launched a new website, InsurrectionExposed, to expose the politicians, right-wing leaders, groups, and funders that orchestrated the Big Lie and the Jan. 6 insurrection, and that are still working to lay the groundwork to subvert future elections.
  • CMD broke the story on how the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and other groups are colluding with Big Oil to get red states to blacklist companies that take into account climate risks and favor renewables.
  • CMD exposed how ALEC and right-wing politicians like Scott Walker and Rick Santorum plan to force a constitutional convention that would give GOP politicians supermajority control over rewriting our nation’s founding document.
  • CMD outed more than 200 ALEC legislators for belonging to far-right Facebook groups that spread disinformation and poison our politics.


CMD’s prize-winning role as a watchdog of powerful special interests is vitally important for all of us. As they prepare to celebrate their 30th anniversary, I’d like to congratulate them on this milestone and all the tremendous work that they’ve done over the past three decades to shine a light on corruption and protect our freedoms.


There is so much more to be done in 2023, and that’s why I am reaching out to you to say that we need CMD now more than ever!

And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many heroes of American journalism and organizing alike have praised CMD’s groundbreaking investigations:

  • Bill Moyers: “The fight to keep our democracy from becoming a plutocracy doesn’t have a scrappier warrior than the Center for Media and Democracy.”
  • Nancy MacLean (author of Democracy in Chains): “To stop the assault on our democracy we must expose the stealth operations of moneyed interests. Few have done as much as CMD to shine a light into those dark corners.”
  • Karen Hobert Flynn (President of Common Cause): “CMD is an invaluable partner in the fight to expose ALEC, the right-wing groups trying to rewrite our Constitution, and the dark money forces behind increasing attacks on our democracy.”

CMD is not about to let up in 2023. They’ll be working overtime to expose who’s stoking the Right’s new culture wars and efforts to subvert future elections; the corporate interests and front groups trying to block climate progress and crush unions; and the Right’s dangerous drive to convene a constitutional convention aimed at crippling the federal government’s ability to protect working families, the environment, and equal rights.

But they can’t do it without you.

Your continued support has been essential to CMD’s success so far, and as it enters its 30th anniversary year, let’s take a moment to celebrate CMD so that it can keep doing what it does best—defending our fragile democracy!

So please give as generously as you can! With your tax-deductible donation, we can make a difference and win back a democracy that works for all of us, AND...

Thanks to a $50,000 match, your gift through December 31 will have twice the impact!
Donate Here!

With deepest gratitude for your generous and ongoing support, and best wishes for the New Year,


Robert Reich
Former U.S. Secretary of Labor & Co-Founder, Inequality Media

  This coming year marks CMD’s 30th anniversary! We could not have succeeded in exposing corruption and disinformation for nearly three decades without the loyal support of people like you. Thank you!
  Donate Here!

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Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, Wisconsin 53725-9010
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