John, I wanted to take a moment to tell you about how Voto Latino got started and highlight some of the incredible successes this grassroots team has helped us achieve over the years.
But first, I have to ask: If you’re able, will you pitch in now to help us hit the ground running in the new year?
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2004: Voto Latino was founded as a grassroots political organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latino voters.
2006: We launched our first-ever voter registration campaign and pioneered the use of texting to reach young voters. Since then, we’ve been at the forefront of using innovative digital tools.
2012: After running successful campaigns that registered thousands of new voters in 2008 and 2009, we celebrated the first-ever National Voter Registration Day. NVRD is now held every September to remind and encourage eligible Americans to get registered.
2016: We launched the VoterPal app to make it easier than ever for voters to register online. We also surpassed our voter registration goal of 150,000, and ultimately registered 177,218 new voters! But we were just getting started.
2018: Ahead of the midterm elections, we registered 202,399 new voters – and 77% of them turned out to vote! That election saw historic turnout among Latino voters: 11.7 million showed up to the polls, and nearly 25% of them were first-time voters.
2020: Despite logistical challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we blew past our goal of registering 500,000 new voters. Instead, we registered a whopping 601,330 voters for the 2020 election cycle.
As of today, Voto Latino has registered well over 1 million voters since our founding. And, in both 2018 and 2020, the number of new voters we registered exceeded the Democratic margin of victory in key battleground states like Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia.
2022: Fighting against a reported “red wave”, we registered tens of thousands of voters and expanded our Senate majority.
Over nearly two decades of grassroots organizing, our team at Voto Latino has developed a proven strategy for getting young Latinos registered, mobilized, and turned out to vote.
Now, with just a few days until the new year, we need your help to keep building on our successes.
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Can I count on you to pitch in now?
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– Galilea Martinez, Campaigns Coordinator
Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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