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Center for a Humane Economy

Dear John,

When you support the Center for a Humane Economy, you want to know that your contributions and advocacy are translated into tangible protections for animals. You want to know that there is a yield on your investment.

I am here to tell you that’s exactly what’s happening. That yield is unparalleled in our field because our team includes the most experienced and strategic set of fighters for animals in our movement.

Just take a look at what happened in December alone.

We are reshaping industries and, in circumstances where a corporation is hellbent on hurting animals, we are putting them out to pasture.

These strategic victories have convinced donors to match $35,000 of end-of-year donations to CHE — but we only have until the 31st to unlock these extra dollars for the animals. Will you make a MATCHED contribution of $10 or more today?

Here are a few of our biggest wins — just from the past month:
  • VICTORY. New National Policy to Reduce Animal Testing by the Pharmaceutical Industry. Due to the Center’s leadership, our federal government’s animal-testing mandate for all new drugs is gone, with the enactment of the FDA Modernization Act 2.0.

  • VICTORY. New National Policy to Stop the Barbaric Practice of Shark Finning. We worked to pass the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act in December. Shark fin soup is now officially off the menu in the United States!

  • VICTORY. Shutting Down Roadside Zoos That Exploit Big Cats. Roadside zoos are the worst of small businesses, keeping wild animals in captivity, often grossly inadequate and inhumane conditions. The Big Cat Public Safety Act shuts down the commercial cub petting industry in the United States, along with banning the breeding of tigers, lions, and other big cats for the pet trade.
We are fighting to stop Nike and Adidas from using kangaroo skins in soccer cleats.

We are working to create a cage-free and crate-free future in American agriculture.

We are shutting down the illegal dogfighting and cockfighting enterprises.

And so much more.

We are fighting for all animals. And we are working to reshape the way business views and treats all animals.

To allow us to continue this life-saving work, I hope you will give generously. We have just 2 more days to raise $35,000 — matched dollar-for-dollar — which means $70,000 would go towards these vital efforts. Will you make a contribution and be part of this fight today?

No other investment in animal protection can yield so much. You are putting your faith in us, and we aim to deliver. Again and again.

For the animals,

Wayne Pacelle


The Center for a Humane Economy is the first non-profit animal welfare organization that focuses on influencing the conduct of corporations to forge a humane economic order.

Your donation supports the efforts of our national non-profit to prevent animal cruelty and suffering by influencing corporations to do better in their treatment of animals and protection of the planet.


Center for a Humane Economy
Center for a Humane Economy
PO Box 30845
Bethesda, MD 20824

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