Strong Towns is hiring! If you've ever wanted to work with our team (and who wouldn't, really?), this might be your chance. We're seeking someone to help us with communications, development, and bookkeeping (not all the same person -- that's three different positions -- although if you can do all three, you are amazing). You can get information on each of these job openings, as well as our unique hiring process, on our website.
Click here to see the job posting.
And you can apply for the job right now with just an email address and zip code. We're not going to ask you for a resume, references, proof of academic credentials, DNA sample, favorite Disney ride or anything like that. At least not yet. (Note: We will ask you your favorite Disney ride, if you make it to the final interview round.) If you think you can do one of these jobs, and you have a passion for it, we want to hear from you.
Before you leave, we shared an article this morning to help you think through what to do when your city publishes that huge number, the one describing the unfathomable cost to catch up on your infrastructure backlog. I was in Shreveport last week, where they recently received that number. Here is what I told them.
Keep working to build a Strong Town!
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1511 Northern Pacific Rd. Rm 206
Brainerd, MN 56401
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