I’ve loved so many of the roles that I’ve played in my acting career. But the role that is most dear to my heart is being a Special Olympics Global Ambassador — and an incredibly proud sister to my brother, Denny.
Special Olympics has done SO much for my family. If that's true for you, too, I hope you'll take advantage of this incredible opportunity: Right now, your gift will be TRIPLE matched to provide 3X the support for Special Olympics programs! Your gift can go 3X as far to help people with intellectual disabilities (ID) experience the joy of sports.

Denny was born with an intellectual disability (ID). At that time, doctors told my parents that he should be institutionalized. My father, a teacher for students with special needs, and my mother both refused.
Like you, my parents believed that people with ID should have the same opportunities to live their best lives. They believed that everyone would benefit from a more inclusive world. And from a young age, I was committed to being a passionate advocate for inclusion on behalf of Denny and people like him.

So when Denny and I got involved with Special Olympics, it had an enormous impact on both our lives. Denny has always loved people, but he didn’t always feel accepted. When he joined Special Olympics, he found a place of love and belonging. And it filled me with hope to see Denny make friends, gain confidence, and spread joy to others just by being himself.
That’s the power of Special Olympics: As this community grows, as people with ID have more opportunities to show their strength, talents, and capabilities. As more people with and without ID come together, we are building a more inclusive and a more joyful world.
So yes, you might know me best as Marcia Brady. But really, I'm most proud of being able to show the beautiful heart of my brother Denny to the world.
Let's DO this! Let's make 3X the impact to fuel this global movement of inclusion and spread the joy to athletes and families around the world. There are only a couple days left before this match ends, so please act now — make a year-end donation to see it go three times as far for Special Olympics athletes!

Thank you,
Maureen McCormick
Special Olympics Global Ambassador