Dear friend of OpenSecrets,

When money’s influence is revealed, everyone benefits. That’s why you trust our data-driven reporting and analysis, because you understand the connection between revealing the flow of money in politics and building a healthy democracy. 

This year, OpenSecrets research and reporting teams were awarded the David C. Rothman Award for Protecting American Democracy for their work on a series of articles covering the January 6th insurrection.

Our investigation and reporting kept elected officials accountable and exposed money flowing to firms involved in the rally before the insurrection. 

Our continued reporting unearthed anonymously funded organizations and shell companies used to keep important payment details hidden from the public eye, and how corporations swearing off corporate PAC giving after the Capitol attack quietly walked back on their commitments.

Tracing money to its source and documenting its path through politics is how we serve as a force-multiplier as a pro-democracy organization. Our users expect us to lead with the facts and analysis that reveal elusive donors and trends in campaign fundraising, outside spending and lobbying.

Help OpenSecrets Track Money in Politics
Your contributions to OpenSecrets makes this work possible and allows us to constantly update and improve our website. was used by over 7 million unique individuals, and our data and reporting was cited in major national, regional and local news publications. This data and analysis is available to any engaged citizen who wants to be informed, and your support allows us to get the word out.

You make our data collection and investigative reporting possible, and help us to keep our site and its resources free for public benefit.

Will you help us keep up the fight for transparency in 2022 by supporting OpenSecrets with a donation of any amount?

Yes, I will support OpenSecrets!
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

P.S. Help us prepare for the critical governor’s races in 2023 and the presidential cycle in 2024 by making a donation to OpenSecrets. Your gift today will be matched at 100% of its value through a NewsMatch matching grant. Your donation to OpenSecrets is tax deductible.
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