Dear John,
Today, JAMA Pediatrics published breakthrough evidence that young male student-athletes in middle school (ages 11-14) who complete FUTURES’ Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) program are significantly less likely to engage in adolescent relationship abuse.
The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), found clear evidence that male athletes who received CBIM education on respectful relationship behaviors, promoting more gender-equitable attitudes, and positive bystander intervention when harmful behavior among peers is witnessed, are significantly less likely to engage in adolescent relationship abuse.
These results are a breakthrough in our work to prevent violence, and provide yet more evidence that violence is a learned behavior, that it can be unlearned -- and prevented. Moreover, this study demonstrates that CBIM is effective not only at the high school level, but during middle school as well, particularly when youth are at their most impressionable ages.
Coaching Boys Into Men is the only program of its kind endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read the study and learn more about Coaching Boys Into Men.
We share our heartfelt congratulations to the team at UPMC, led by Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD, for this tremendous recognition and we thank YOU for your continued support of this important work!
With pride and gratitude,
Esta Signature
President and Founder
Director of Public Education Campaigns and Programs

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