Christmas has passed, but that doesn’t mean the season of giving is over. When you give to Caring Across, we’ll give back to YOU!
Make your contribution today to receive a gift from all of us here at Caring Across Generations.
Based on your gift, you’ll receive a phone wallet, mug, tumbler, tote, or long-sleeve shirt – or get them all in our full bundle. Wear your care this winter with Caring Across swag!

Contribute $10 for a silicone phone wallet.
Contribute $25 for a mug.
Contribute $35 for a tumbler.
Contribute $50 for a tote.
Contribute $100 for the full bundle.
Make your gift while supplies last!
As always, thanks for your support of Caring Across this holiday season.
With Care,
Rebekah A. Alexander-Fishburne
Senior Individual Giving Manager
Caring Across Generations