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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US | December 29, 2022
Thank you! Because of you thousands of people were empowered to choose kindness in 2022. 

They’ve learned about the dirty secrets Big Ag tries so hard to hide through thought-provoking videos, hard-hitting news features, and hearing members of our team speak. 

They’ve also been supported and motivated to explore the benefits of vegan eating through our annual VegWeek, fun and informative videos, and events and presentations.

None of this is possible without your support. Will you join us in 2023 as we reach thousands more with the message of kindness and the tools to create lasting change?

This year, thanks to your support, we’ve helped inspire people to stand up for animals by going vegan by:
  • Celebrating our annual VegWeek, supporting thousands of pledgers to try vegan for Earth Week, and beyond.
  • Releasing our video, The Life of a Farmed Turkey, which follows the life of Abby, a turkey bred to create more turkeys who will be killed for meat, and Emma who is bred to grow rapidly for meat.
  • Launching our Pop Culture and Animals video series, hosted by our very own Director of Investigations Scott David. In this series, Scott delves into vegan- and animal-protection themes in the DC, Marvel, Jurassic World, Star Trek, and Digimon universes.
  • Adding to our Vegan Strong Athlete series with a new film featuring vegan rock climber and adventurer Steph Davis.
  • Presenting at events such as the Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit, Black VegFest, and the Farmed Animal Conference E-Summit.
Animal Outlook team members at the Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit in October this year.
Thanks to you, the message is being heard loud and clear - the animal agriculture industry is cruel and the only way to protect animals is to leave them off our plates.

Will you help continue to educate and inspire others to create a better tomorrow for all animals? All donations made before December 31 will be doubled up to $100,000 thanks to a generous donor. Your donation will have twice the impact in creating a kinder world for animals.

All donations of $100 or more will be entered to win one of five copies of HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene by We Animals Media, the perfect book to show the world why we need to make changes for animals today.
Click here to help inspire others to leave animals off their plates
Thank you for your wonderful support. I know that standing together, we will make a difference for farmed animals.

With gratitude,

Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
P.S. Check out our 2022 year-in-review video and join us in celebrating all that’s been achieved for animals this year with your support.
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
Donate Now to Expose the Truth & Inspire Change
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