The Bureau of Justice Statistics wishes you safety, peace, and joy in the new year.
BJS had a phenomenal 2022. We continued to make extensive strides in modernizing; engaging with stakeholders; and releasing timely, relevant, and accurate criminal justice statistics. Some highlights of 2022 include?
Welcoming Director Alex R. Piquero, PhD. Learn more about our new director here.
Collaborating with the FBI on National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) estimation. Learn more in this blog and podcast.
Hosting webinars on recidivism of state prisoners, national prison rape statistics,?the transition to NIBRS,?NIBRS estimation,?the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) instrument redesign, juvenile testing efforts for the redesigned NCVS instrument, and?sexual orientation and gender identity measures in BJS data collections.
Releasing new and updated data tools, including Corrections Statistical Analysis Tool (CSAT) - Prisoners, Law Enforcement Agency Reported Crime Analysis Tool (LEARCAT), and Justice Expenditure and Employment Tool (JEET).
Launching Just the Stats, a new web-published report series that features short reports on specific topics of interest.
Adopting the new standard application process for federal statistical agencies, which expands access to protected data, as required by the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, 2018.
Browse the 40?statistical reports released by Team BJS.
Peruse the five third-party reports released.
Examine BJS?s new and updated data analysis tools with captivating data visualization features, including:
In 2022, BJS released 127 new or updated datasets through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD).
Team BJS participated in several national and international meetings and conferences, including the following highlights:
Director Piquero presented at meetings including the Integrated Justice Information Systems (IJIS) Institute Mid-Year Briefing and Member Forum; Forum on Criminal Justice; and a board meeting of the National Academies of Science, Committee on Law and Justice.
Director Piquero and BJS staff participated in the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Annual Conference and Exposition, the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting, and the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) 2022 Fall Research Gathering.
Dr. Piquero was honored with the Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award from the ASC?s Division of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology.
Team BJS met with criminal justice and statistics stakeholders, including those from the United States Congress, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and delegations from Mexico and Nigeria.
Team BJS presented at meetings including the SEARCH Membership Group Meeting and Criminal History Records Improvement Workshop, American Correctional Association (ACA) Conference, Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) Annual Training Institute, Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology Conference (FCSM), Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) Meeting, and the Annual National Indian Nations Conference.
BJS Victimization Statistics Unit (VSU) Chief Heather Brotsos presented at the International Conference on Governance, Crime and Justice Statistics in Seoul, South Korea.
VSU staff joined experts from the University of Maryland and others for an NCVS Research Forum, featuring an NCVS Roundtable Discussion, NCVS Research Highlights, and an NCVS User Workshop.
BJS expanded our social media presence with a YouTube channel and a Twitter account for Director Piquero. Follow him: @BJSDirPiquero.