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Yes, "friends"! Some of you don't know me very well. For 14 years I've lived and breathed True Texas Project, watching it grow from 18 people to 18 locations! It's just been incredible! For those that I know, you've been the best people on the planet to partner with, and I love the time we've spent together. Now that we are so large, it's impossible to keep it as intimate, and yet I still call you friend and feel so much affection for each of you, whether I've met you or not. I'm so proud of what we've accomplished together, all for Texas! And guess what...
As you know, our mission is to educate and motivate citizens to get involved in all areas of government. Here’s a peek into how we are going to do just that in 2023...
Trips to Austin, training courses, monthly meetings, our annual Texas Independence celebration... We didn't even mention yet all of the local elections we'll be working on, and that's just the first quarter of the year! All of this and so much more wouldnotbepossible without your support of our work!
I cannot stress enough: we aren't just a simple, local club anymore. We are laser-focused on saving a state as huge as Texas, and we need your help. We must make sure we are able to fully fund all that is to come in 2023. Will you chip in $45 today to help fund our efforts?
We are a team. Or as I like to say, we are a vast army spread across the state. We may not even know who our fellow soldiers are, but thanks to the time, talent, and treasure of each True Texan who has donated we've accomplished so much! With all of us pulling together, nothing is impossible. It takes all of us doing what we can. I'm proud to serve with you.
Always for Texas, Julie McCarty, Founder & CEO
P.S. We need your help to hit our goal before the end of the year! Will you give $45 today to help push us over that goal?
In case you missed it... I sent out a video sharing our 2023 goals with you. Click the image to check it out!
TTP in 2023!
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our cause.
Tired of getting so many emails? Please be patient!
We put the location in the subject of every event email so that you can easily delete without opening it, but you know what is a better idea? Forward the event to those you know in that area! We send all event emails to all subscribers because so many True Texans do just that... share the invites! We hope you will too, but if not, kindly just delete. No need to send in a complaint or unsubscribe. There truly is a method to our madness as we work hard to build the army across this great big state! Sometimes we send emails only to specific counties. If you want to update what counties are on your profile, please click here. BONUS TIP: remove the "unsubscribe" line at the bottom of your email before you forward it! Otherwise the recipient may unsubscribe YOU!
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