When we were putting together yesterday’s email about Trump’s record on Social Security, we went through the action messages we sent during the four years that he was President.
Staring through those actions, it’s clear: Donald Trump’s presidency was a non-stop war on seniors. As he seeks another term, we can’t let the media forget that.
Make sure seniors know: Donald Trump’s presidency was almost deadly to Social Security and Medicare. Donate $7 today!
Look at the receipts from Michael below.
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
Just two weeks after the midterm elections―before the Georgia runoff had even been settled―Donald Trump announced that he was running for President in 2024.
As a reminder: Donald Trump’s single term was a non-stop assault on our Social Security system.
Though Trump was elected on a promise not to cut Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid (something that set him apart from his Republican rivals in the primary), once he took office he:
Spent his first year in office seeking to destroy Medicare and Medicaid and replace them with Trumpcare
Proposed raiding the Medicare trust fund to pay for giveaways to the wealthy
Proposed annual budgets cutting as much as $2.5 trillion from Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Closed Social Security offices, making it harder for seniors to access the benefits they earned
Appointed executives to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Department of Health and Human Services who treated our government like a personal piggy bank
Issued executive orders designed to make it easier to reject deserving Social Security disability beneficiaries, including one that President Reagan used to kick 200,000 deserving people off Social Security
Pursued coronavirus policies that specifically endangered seniors, especially in nursing homes
Pushed to defund Social Security and Medicare during the pandemic
Not to mention, of course, the non-Social Security-related corruption, malfeasance, and anti-democracy activities.
It remains to be seen whether Trump will be able to live down the anti-Social Security and Medicare record that he established in office. The corporate media is always happy to let Republicans shake the etch-a-sketch and obscure clear statements about our earned benefits.
Social Security Works protected Social Security and Medicare from Republicans throughout Trump’s presidency―and the best way to protect them again is to keep that record visible. Can you donate $7 to make sure seniors know Trump’s record on Social Security?
Michael Phelan Social Security Works