Between now and New Year’s Eve, every gift you make to The Humane League will be TRIPLED.
2022 has been a year of progress. Convincing major food service providers to improve welfare standards for pigs and for chickens raised for meat. Making inroads in Asia by persuading the global restaurant chain Toridoll to go cage-free. Pushing Sodexo, Compass Group, and Delaware North—three of the biggest foodservice providers serving hundreds of millions of people every day—to publish concrete plans to spare animals from the worst of the worst. Getting CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid to commit to eliminating the horrors of battery cages three years ahead of schedule. CVS already reported that it’ll be 100% of the way there, effective on the last day of this year.
And we’ve got exciting plans and priorities for 2023, like building on our success in the cage-free movement to free as many hens as possible, and expanding our advocacy to include underrepresented animals like fish.
But we need you to help set the stage in 2023.

Kalista Barter
Vice President, Development |