Do we still get those? 

Rachel Bloom

Dear John,

For decades, women have heard the word “choice” bandied around a lot.

We can choose to be an astronaut or an actress! Go to college! Become a parent—or not! Have it all—or maybe not.

Of course, those choices were never as easy as they sounded. And today, for way, way too many people, choosing to go to school, affording child care, or accessing an abortion is now practically impossible, even illegal. This definitely isn’t the “having it all” we were promised, or the future I want for my daughter.

That’s why I’m a supporter of the National Women’s Law Center. They are working every single day to protect and expand the rights we can’t take for granted—the rights to control our own lives and reproductive choices, to get paid equally for our work, attend school free from discrimination and harrassment, and so much more. Will you join me with with a $50 gift in honor of NWLC’s 50th anniversary right now? Until midnight on December 31, every gift is matched dollar for dollar, up to $150,000, so your support goes even further.

I know it’s easy to feel hopeless when politician after politician is on TV, gushing about “freedom” while systematically working to overturn things like voting rights, health care access, and policies that would help more families afford child care, education, and groceries. To them, “freedom” means power, as long as they have it. Which is 1) gross and 2) not freedom. That’s where you come in with your matched gift right now.

For 50 years (!), the Law Center has been leading the fight to build the more just and equitable future those politicians are so afraid of—and we’re winning. I can tell you it feels pretty damn good to know your matched dollars are actively making the world better AND sticking it to sexist, racist extremists at the same time.

Your matched $50 gift to NWLC today supports lawyers who are fighting for gender justice in the courts, researchers whose work helps inform the law and illuminate injustice, and grassroots activism that pushes decision makers to advocate for the rights of women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community. And with even more scary SCOTUS rulings, abortion restrictions, and attacks on transgender kids and their families on the horizon next year—this work is more important than ever.

Together, we can help build a better, safer, fairer future for everyone. If that isn’t worth $10 or $20 or $50, I don’t know what is—especially when every dollar goes twice as far. So if you can, I hope you’ll join me in supporting NWLC with a matched gift right now.

Here’s to brighter days ahead,


Rachel Bloom
National Women's Law Center

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National Women's Law Center
11 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
United States