John –

I've spent the past four years working hard, day in, day out for the people of Minnesota. I'm proud of the work I've done, and Minnesota is better for it.

But I faced a self-funded opponent who was able to spend hundreds of thousands of his own dollars spreading half-truths and outright lies. He almost bought himself the election.

I'm determined not to let this happen again. We're building infrastructure now, not only to make sure that I get reelected in four years, but to help Democrats up and down the ballot. Please, chip in today!

This isn't something we can wait on.

We almost lost my office and countless other races this year. We can't only talk to voters in the month before an election -- we know that isn't enough.

I need your help. I'm ready to improve our long term infrastructure and help Democrats up and down the ballot, and I'm counting on you to invest in me again!

Can I count on you?

Thanks again for all of your support!





Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States