Hi there, I’m Ghazal Rahmanpanah and I'm the Director of Operations for Take Back the Court.


Before the year is over I wanted to follow up on the amazing stories my teammates Chelsey and Alexa shared this week about the important work your support has made possible — and add my own.


For years, I’ve worked in international and domestic advocacy spaces, fighting for equality and basic human security. As a young immigrant, I was enamored with the rights afforded to us as Americans in the Bill of Rights, and like many believed that the Supreme Court was an impartial body existing apart from and above the rest of the political process. 


However the Court as it stands today is nothing of the sort – it’s a dangerous entity, serving only its own interests to the detriment of the American people. It’s no wonder that trust in the Supreme Court has plummeted and Americans of all backgrounds have become outraged by the Court’s oppressive actions. 


We must continue to push for structural change in order to protect our rights, and I’m proud of the work we’ve done this year to sound the alarm on the threat the Court poses to our democracy. 


Supporters like you have powered our movement since day one. Will you make a contribution to help us continue working toward a Court that truly works for the American people?


Thank you, 


Ghazal Rahmanpanah

Director of Operations, Take Back the Court Action Fund