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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
This has been a challenging year for the press: record numbers of journalists imprisoned, and at least 65 journalists and media workers killed–the highest total documented by CPJ since 2018. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, widespread protests in Iran, and climate disasters globally, delivering the news is a daunting task.
And yet, your support empowered us to make a difference where it mattered most, equipping journalists with the tools they needed so they could keep doing their jobs. Thanks to you, CPJ:
  • disseminated at least a dozen crucial safety resources for journalists and newsrooms, and worked with partner organizations to prepare legal guides to help journalists navigate complex laws within their countries 

  • helped contribute to the early release of more than 130 jailed journalists, including in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Turkey

  • distributed hundreds of individual first aid kits to Ukrainian journalists—lifesaving supplies to those covering the war

  • continued our fight to seek convictions for the murders of journalists worldwide, contributing to convictions in the cases of 12 slain journalists 

  • provided financial and non-financial assistance to more than 520 journalists in 49 countries, with grants to journalists who needed support for emergency relocation, imprisonment, medical issues, and trauma.

This year was one of the toughest in many years. More journalists need our help in more places and in more ways than ever before–and with political tensions rising globally, we expect 2023 to be another challenging year. 

Your support is a lifeline for journalists all over the world. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll make a gift today and stand with CPJ in our effort to keep journalists safe.

Thank you,

Jodie Ginsberg
President, Committee to Protect Journalists

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States