You end of year gift: $50 = $150
Don’t wait — give to Special Olympics now >>
My name is Micah Compton. I joined Special Olympics when I was 8 years old. And it all started with Coach Rick and Coach Craig.
You see, I didn’t have many friends when I was younger. It was challenging to fit in at school. People barely talked to me.
But when I met Coach Rick and Coach Craig, my whole life changed. They made me feel like I belonged there, that I was capable of so much.
Every person with an intellectual disability (ID) should have someone like Coach Rick and Coach Craig in their life. Someone who supports and celebrates them, who helps them get involved, and makes them feel like a part of the team! It makes me sad to think that so many young people don’t have that chance.
But today, you can help change that! Your gift means THREE TIMES as many people with ID can find their loving, supportive community on and off the field!

Since becoming a Special Olympics athlete, my life has been so FULL of fun, joy, and excitement:
- I’ve been a part of gold medal teams.
- I’ve traveled the world.
- And I’ve been able to touch the lives of other people with ID by sharing my story (I even spoke at the Special Olympics Hall of Fame luncheon and Capitol Hill Day!)
I don’t like to think about what my life would be like without Coach Rick and Coach Craig and my friends at Special Olympics Colorado. And that’s why I’m doing everything I can to help the millions of people like me who haven’t yet had their lives changed by Special Olympics.
As a fan of Special Olympics, you have already helped bring joy into the lives of millions of athletes. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
But for every athlete whose life has been changed by Special Olympics, there are 13 more still waiting for their chance to get off the sidelines and into the game. That's why your gift will be TRIPLE matched when you give today!
It just takes one minute to change the lives of millions – donate now >>
You’re the best,
Micah Compton
Special Olympics Colorado