Dear John:

CMD has been exposing the Koch-backed American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) since 2011—along with the hundreds of anti-labor, anti-teacher, pro-corporate, and climate denial bills it has quietly drafted and passed at the behest of corporate lobbyists and right-wing dark money groups.

ALEC’s pay-to-play agenda has become even more extreme in recent years, as the group has embraced Trump’s Big Lie, coddled white nationalist extremists, and jumped into bed with the Christian Right.

That’s why CMD’s ALEC Exposed investigations are more important now than ever!

Just this year, CMD revealed that:

  • ALEC gleefully embraced the death of Roe v. Wade, celebrating the Supreme Court’s controversial decision over “late night dessert and coffee” with the extremist anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA), which is now seeking a total ban on abortion in every state, with no exceptions. Shortly after the ruling, ALEC issued a statement by its CEO saying that state legislators should have “the authority to decide what is best” for women.
  • Hundreds of ALEC legislators are far-right extremists. CMD exposed that more than 200 ALEC lawmakers belong to far-right Facebook groups, profiled the most extreme ones, and outed six ALEC legislators for belonging to a neo-Confederate group.
  • ALEC promotes voter suppression. CMD busted ALEC for engaging in voter suppression activity, despite its claims to the contrary, and for outsourcing its model bills to Leonard Leo’s Honest Elections Project. Meanwhile, ALEC held an event to honor its board president, Arizona Senate Majority Leader Karen Fann—an election denier facing a DOJ subpoena in the fake electors scheme and who orchestrated the fake Cyber Ninja’s election “audit” in Arizona.
  • ALEC wants states to blacklist companies that embrace climate protection goals. CMD broke the story that ALEC is pushing legislation that would strip state investments and contracts from any firm that divests from fossil fuels or embraces environmental, social justice, or diversity goals. Having carried Big Oil’s water on climate denial for decades, ALEC is now doing all it can to block climate progress in the name of fighting “woke” capitalism.
  • ALEC wants to rewrite our Constitution. ALEC coordinates several right-wing groups pushing for a constitutional amendment to radically curtail federal powers and is pushing the wacky claim in court and two House bills that Congress is required to convene a convention based on state resolutions adopted decades—and even centuries—ago. What does ALEC want to do to our Constitution? Repeal the 17th Amendment so that legislators get to choose U.S. Senators instead of voters. Abolish the Internal Revenue Code. Let states opt out of Supreme Court decisions they don’t like. You get the idea.

We can’t let this kind of extremism become the new normal!

That's why CMD urgently needs your help to shine a light on ALEC’s radical agenda and influence peddling in 2023!

With your generous tax-deductible donation, CMD will continue to call out ALEC for collaborating with hate groups, religious extremists, big corporations, and organizations working to suppress the vote and subvert future elections.


Thanks to a $50,000 match, your year-end gift will go twice as far!
Donate Here!

(If your gift crossed with my email, thank you very much for supporting CMD this year.)

Together we can fight to keep people safe and win back a democracy of which we can all be proud!

Thank you for your support of CMD and all that you do,

Arn Pearson 
Executive Director

  This coming year marks CMD’s 30th anniversary! We could not have succeeded in exposing corruption and disinformation for nearly three decades without the loyal support of people like you. Thank you!
  Donate Here!

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