and Biden sticks it to the National Guard No images? Click here Join us at 9am/PT-12pm/ET for a fun, live event with CaucusRoom CEO, Matt Knoedler. This event will use the new "CaucusRoom Live" meeting feature. The meeting includes audio and video for all participants, which should make the conversation much more fun!Here are some recent articles members shared on CaucusRoom. Join the discussion! AI - the new internet police Joe Biden has set aside millions of dollars to research the use of artificial intelligence to police the internet. Obviously, the liberal censors at big-tech platforms just aren't getting the job done Socialized healthcare is a wild failure You don't say The House Intelligence Committee recently announced that China has had biological weapons ambitions long before the pandemic. Stating the obvious has nothing to do with "intelligence" AMAC Action fortune-tellers Stiffing our service members The Biden administration notified National Guard members that their last paycheck of the year will be delayed, but we clearly have plenty of money to fund Ukraine indefinitely. Your Funny of the Day! |