A Better Future for Jenni and Her Family
Like many teens, Jenni's first door into Identity was through soccer, on our Watkins Mill High School Wellness Center girls' team. During a tough time, Identity also helped her mother with food and other safety-net resources.

That's why, at 21, Jenni knew where to turn when she found herself alone raising two small children and wanting a better future for her family.  She reached out to our Workforce Development program, determined to get the training that could give her that future.  Her Identity job coach Camila Lavadenz says Jenni had a clear goal -- she wanted to become a nurse, and every decision she made in training was based on that.  Jenni trained as a Medical Assistant while working at a pharmacy, and then a pediatric office.

Jenni says her future is her responsibility and that she returned to Identity because she trusts us. And she trusts Camila will be there for her until she reaches her goal. Jenni is unwavering in her dream of becoming a nurse. With Identity's help, she obtained scholarships to attend Montgomery College for her associate degree in nursing. 

Jenni knows that when times get rough, Identity's door is always open.
Your investment in Identity youth is an investment in the future of Montgomery County.
Workforce Development Coordinator Camila Lavadenz says it is an honor to work with clients like Jenni. "We are building people up and helping clients see past their present limitations. The work I'm most proud of is helping clients see their professional gifts and their long-term potential."
You can donate online or by mailing a check to Identity c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20855. We also accept stock or other financial transfers.  Email [email protected] if we can help.
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