Save your pennies. Protect your planet.
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Buy Nothing New Month is a new campaign organised by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy which embraces buying nothing new for the whole of January, to save your pennies and protect your planet.
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While giving away our unwanted stuff and recycling are both great, we need to do more and buy less. That’s what Buy Nothing New Month is all about. A month to embrace buying nothing new for the whole of January (except of course for essentials like food, medicine and toothpaste).
Throughout January, we’ll be sharing a host of tips and tricks on how you can buy nothing new and make the most of what you already have. We’ll be calling on you to rethink what you want versus what you need, reconsider if you can repair versus replace and think about whether you can rent, borrow or buy second-hand rather than buy new.
So, get involved in our inspiring campaign, encourage your friends, family and colleagues to join in and share your own ideas and progress.
DO MORE, BUY LESS NOW! [[link removed]] [[link removed]] Keep Britain Tidy is a registered Charity No. 1071737. Registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. 3496361. Registered office at Elizabeth House, The Pier, Wigan, WN3 4EX Unsubscribe [link removed]