We have just a few days left. We won’t make it without you.[link removed]
When we launched our End-of-Year Campaign to raise $100,000 by January
1, we knew from experience that we’d need about 5,000 donations to
meet that goal. Given the hundreds of thousands of people who get our
emails and regularly visit our website, that should be totally
However, right now, with just a few days left, not even half that many
people have chipped in. That’s a big, big problem.
Common Dreams is a news site for working people, not for the rich or
corporations. So the only way we’ve survived as long as we have is by
pooling together thousands and thousands of small donations that,
together, allow us to fund our small but mighty team of reporters and
However, our End-of-Year Campaign is coming to a close in just three and
a half days, and there’s no more time to delay.
Please make a donation to help support Common Dreams and nonprofit
journalism. This is our most important fundraising campaign of the year,
and we simply won’t make it without you.
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Thank you,
The Common Dreams team
P.S. Not a monthly subscriber? It's one of the best ways to make sure
Common Dreams remains strong. Become a sustaining donor today!
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Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to:
Common Dreams, PO Box 443, Portland, ME 04112, United States
Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your contribution is
EIN: 20-3368194
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