The Migratory Bird Protection Act needs your help to succeed - tell your Representative to support H.R. 5552 today!

Take Action!

Dear Defender of Wildlife,

They die preventable deaths by the millions.

Poisoned by open oil pits, colliding with electrical lines and communication towers, their nests and homes destroyed by reckless development.

Our country’s migratory birds, including hawks, eagles, songbirds and more, have suffered staggering losses in recent decades. And now the Trump administration has effectively gutted the law designed to keep them safe.

But there’s a chance to fix this disaster, and it needs your help to succeed!

TAKE ACTION: Tell your Representative to support H.R. 5552, the Migratory Bird Protection Act, to restore urgently needed protections for migratory birds!

Until the Trump administration came along, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), one of our nation’s most effective conservation laws, held industrial operations responsible for "incidental take": birds killed as a side effect of their activities.

However, this anti-wildlife administration has turned its backs on negligent corporate behavior by "reinterpreting" bird protection laws to excuse industry-caused bird deaths as long as those birds weren’t killed on purpose.

That means companies no longer face legal responsibility for the preventable harm they cause to birds.

We can’t let them get away with killing millions of birds with no consequences. Tell your Representative to support the Migratory Bird Protection Act and end these killings right now!


Right now, corporations have no incentive to take necessary measures to protect migrating birds – and so the senseless killing of migratory birds will continue.

H.R. 5552 will make these companies responsible once again by restoring industry liability for predictable and preventable bird deaths – but it won’t pass unless it gets enough support!

Are we going to hold these corporations accountable for the deaths they cause, or do they get to keep ignoring this crisis of their own making while they reap greater profits?

The choice is ours – make sure your Representative knows where you stand today by sending them this quick note!

Thank you in advance for taking action to protect wildlife.


Nicole Whittington-Evans

Robert Dewey
Vice President, Government Relations and External Affairs
Defenders of Wildlife