URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Two corporate megaprojects could soon WIPE OUT the last
remaining Southern Resident orcas >>
Cappuccino. Marina. Ripple. All presumed dead within the past year. Now, there are only 73 Southern Resident killer whales remaining -- and they are CRITICALLY ENDANGERED.
The three main causes of this tragic decline? Lack of food, noise pollution, and chemical pollution -- all major threats to orca survival that Big Oil and the shipping industry
are making even worse. And if we don’t act soon enough, there are two corporate
megaprojects in the works that could be what finally pushes these beloved marine
mammals to EXTINCTION:
The Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion would bring in millions of barrels of TOXIC tar sands oil into fragile whale habitats -- when these orcas are just ONE oil spill away from being driven to extinction. And without all the Chinook salmon that the
ships from the Roberts Bank T2 Terminal project would drive away, these orcas will die of malnutrition and starvation.
Orcas urgently need us to defend them and STOP these destructive projects from
threatening their entire existence. Will you take action right now to protect
these iconic sea animals against corporate greed?
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[[link removed]]Orcas are incredibly intelligent creatures, and they are also social beings that
are emotionally sensitive. Every time one of their family (pod) members die,
they experience the painful grief of each loss -- this can even lead them into further crisis.
When massive oil tankers charge through their precious home, it causes irreparable noise, air, and water damage. The noise pollution disrupts the migration patterns of Chinook salmon, which orcas cannot live without. The water becomes contaminated with toxic waste. And the massive vessel traffic interferes with orcas’ echolocation and
navigation abilities making it harder for them to find food, stressing them even further.
These magnificent marine animals deserve to live peacefully in their native
waters, free of ocean pollution. But if these profit-driven industrial
megaprojects move forward, this vulnerable population simply won’t stand a chance. So please, Friend, take immediate action TODAY to help
SAVE the last of these amazing sea mammals before it’s too late. Add your name
right now to protect these critically endangered orcas >>
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[[link removed]]Thanks for helping save Southern Resident orcas!
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