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They said we couldn’t do it, but we made it through 2022! As a co-leader of Indivisible, it’s my responsibility to send you an end-of-year request for money, and I’ll do that in a second, but first, let’s reflect a bit on how we got here.

In 2016, Indivisible started with a bold claim: if we organized nationally and locally, we could resist the incoming MAGA trifecta. At the time, most of the political establishment viewed our strategic assessment as somewhere between naive and laughable. Well, we stuck to it. 

In 2017, we said we could defeat MAGA’s top legislative priority and save the Affordable Care Act. We did.

In 2018, we said we could build an historic blue wave to retake the House. We did.

In 2019, we said we could impeach the bastard for extorting Ukraine. We did.

In 2020, we said we could make the bastard the first one-term president in a generation. We did.

In 2021, we said we could win those two “impossible” Senate runoffs in Georgia. We did.

In 2022, we said we could stave off a supposedly inevitable red wave. We did. 

And here’s what I’m saying now: we can defeat the pathetic, minuscule MAGA majority in the House. We can retake the House. We can hold the Senate. We can elect a Democratic trifecta. And after doing that, we can codify Roe, pass democracy reform, and consign these MAGAs to their rightful place in history as a cautionary tale for future would-be fascists.

That is Indivisible’s North Star for the next two years. And as a co-leader of Indivisible, it’s my job to ask you for money so we can support this nationwide movement. You know this, but I’ll just say it again: Indivisible has never taken money from corporations, political figures, crypto dudes, or ne’er-do-wells. We don’t sell our email list. We don’t fight some other person’s battles if they write us a check. We don’t harvest petition signatures to fundraise. We don’t send hair-on-fire fundraising emails. Since we started as a ragtag team of volunteers six years ago, our single largest source of support has been grassroots donations. That’s how we’ve always operated, and it’s how we’ll continue to operate. 

So you’re damn right I’m gonna ask for grassroots support now! We’ve got big things to do! Organizers to pay. Toolkits to publish. Funds to send out directly to Indivisible groups. Congressional champions to support. Fascists sympathizers to defeat. Democracy to save. 

So if you’ve got it, donate a bit here. We don’t build giant reserves for some future rainy day. It’s been raining for a while here. What you give will go to defeating the fascists and saving democracy.

From me, Leah, and all of us at Indivisible national -- thank you for building this movement for democracy with us. Onward to 2023!

In solidarity,

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Paid for by Indivisible Action ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide. Read more about the formation of our PAC here.

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To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Action, PO Box 43135, Washington, DC 20010. Contributions to Indivisible Action are not tax-deductible.