Hi, friend,

You are a part of HTI’s impact! Our work would not be possible without you. During this season, we have so much to celebrate. We celebrate your partnership. We celebrate over 2,000 victims who have been freed from modern day slavery. We celebrate the prosecutions of over 1,500 traffickers who are off the street, never to harm again. We celebrate the heroes working in the justice system of our partner countries to put those traffickers behind bars. We celebrate the countless individuals that will never have to endure the trauma of trafficking, because you helped protect them. We celebrate you and your partnership in this mission to decimate modern slavery, and we are truly grateful. 

I just returned from Uganda, one of our partner countries, and this year has been unprecedented. We have seen more victims freed and more traffickers prosecuted than ever before - a 447% year-over-year increase in the past two years. Take a look below and see the impact you have helped create in Uganda alone through your support of HTI.

We believe the best is yet to come, but we need your help! Would you join us today?

A generous friend has offered a $100,000 gift to challenge others to give and help HTI to decimate human trafficking. Go online now, and multiply your gift by giving at traffickinginstitute.org/celebrating-impact-amplifying-hope. If you have already given your end of year gift, THANK YOU!

Together, we can decimate trafficking and bring tangible hope to victims around the world. Thank you for your committed partnership.

We are grateful!


Victor Boutros
Human Trafficking Institute

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Human Trafficking Institute
712 H Street NE,  Suite 1651
Washington, D.C 20002

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