Hello friends,
My name is Mia Divecha. I am an avid Boundary Waters user, and a proud Board Member with Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness and the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters.
Growing up in California, I had heard stories of these long canoe camping trips my mom would take to the Boundary Waters as a teenager. They sounded wild and hard and foreign to me. Fast forward to years later: I am living in my mothers home state of Minnesota planning my first Boundary Waters trip. I invite my parents and plan a simple route for our first time together.
It was amazing to witness the emergence of my mother’s childhood zeal for this place after so long. To see her dive into the chilly pristine September waters at sunset, to paddle with perfect form, and to sit and watch the sunrise over the lake with her coffee. Everything had come full circle, her back in her childhood refuge and me, her daughter, experiencing both her joy and my joy for this place.