Hi, it’s me Chelsey Davidson, Take Back the Court’s Policy Counsel.


A few days ago my colleague Alexa shared with you the amazing work our team has been doing to get the word out on our campaign. Today, I want to fill you in on some of the work I’m proud of that supporters like you have made possible in 2022.

Some of the work I'm proud of this year.


We’ve shined a light on some of the most consequential cases in front of the stolen Court. Can you make a contribution to help us continue to do this important work in 2023?


While in law school, I had the privilege of working with tribes, environmental groups, and refugees — I even took time off from school during the 2020 election to help ensure that people could vote despite the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Meanwhile, in the classroom, I was piecing together the role of the Court in dismantling everything I care about: our voting rights, our human rights to do basic things like breathe clean air and have a say over what happens to our bodies, and the rights of the vulnerable communities I worked with. 


It became very clear to me that none of those things that I care about could be secure until the Court was reformed and expanded — and I had to do something about it. I am reaching out today to ask for your support to continue that fight.


I know just how much of a threat this Court is to our rights and democracy. Time and time again, the right-wing supermajority has shown that it’s willing to ignore decades of settled law to advance cruel, unpopular, and anti-democratic conservative policies. 


Whether you care about voting or abortion rights, gun violence prevention, protecting the pillars of our democracy or combatting the climate crisis, you care about Supreme Court expansion.


Everything we care about is at-risk as long as the Supreme Court is dominated by this right-wing majority. Can you make a donation to this movement to help save our democracy?


Proud to be in this fight, 


Chelsey Davidson

Policy Counsel, Take Back the Court Action Fund