
Clark County Republican Party

[email protected]

Clark County Republican Caucus

As established by the Washington State Republican Party, the precinct caucus, held on February 29,2020 at 10 AM is the single largest venue for interested Republicans to influence the direction that the Republican Party takes.  Attendees at the Republican caucuses will be asked to sign a statement that they consider themselves Republicans and will not participate in any other party's caucus or convention.

Delegates at the county convention elect delegates to the state convention and pass the party platform.  However, traditionally the platform business is handled late in the day, after all of the voting for delegates and alternates takes place.  Some years a quorum was lost before discussion of the platform could even begin.

Republican caucus attendees who submit a platform suggestion or a resolution for the county convention will be invited to join the Platform and Resolutions Committee (up to a cap of 300 people).  The committee will consider all of the suggested changes to the platform and craft a proposed platform for the county convention to debate.  The committee will meet several times in the weeks between the caucuses and the county convention.  Members of the committee will also consider whether submitted resolutions are marked recommended Do Pass or Do Not Pass.

This is the surest way to tell the GOP which way to go.  There is a good possibility that you have an opinion about how to improve our political system.  Tell the Republican Party, attend the Caucus !


What a way to ring in the New Year. The sold out event featured harpist Avonlea Knoedler and music from the Youth Symphony Quintent. Speakers included Clark County Council Chair Eileen Quiring, Former Representive Liz Pike, Activist Glen Morgan, and County Councilor Gary Medvigy. The buffet was delicious and the fundraising events were a lot of fun. If you missed out, be sure to check out these photos taken by our talented photographer and PCO, Carol Brown.



Sat. Jan. 18 10:30 a.m. – noon Rep. Vicki Kraft Town Hall
Wed Jan. 15 2020 Freedom Rally
Thur Jan. 16 CCRW Dinner Event
Fri Jan. 17 Rally 4 UR Rights



2020 is off to an incredible start. Visit our calendar for information on all the various upcoming events including Town Halls,Rallys,and Meetings: 




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