Dear Reader,
It’s hard to believe that we’re already on the cusp of 2023. The world has changed so dramatically this year (with war raging in Ukraine, and Twitter on the edge of an abyss) yet in other respects it seems like we’re back to 2020 (as Covid numbers steadily climb at home and infections overseas outpace supplies and vaccines).
One thing that remains steadfast: the continued relevance of Hechinger stories, which are hitting nerves and satiating the appetites that so many readers have for early education coverage as well as news about dropouts and college completion.
Speaking of story ideas, each February our members (that is, readers who support us with donations) vote on a topic to assign to one of our top-notch journalists. Some previous topics include spending disparities between schools in the same district, how American schools are dealing with climate change and, most recently, the future of desegregation.
Become part of the process as we decide how to cover these topics that are central to our mission and that are so salient now. Join us today and weigh in on what we’ll pursue in 2023.