December 28, 2022

Dear Friends and Supporters,
As usual, SHARK has accomplished so much for the animals that we have to break up our year-end email update into parts. You can go online and see the entire mailer at one time here.

The answer to that question is tied to the resources we have to work with. With your support, we will have a major impact on animal issues nationwide and even beyond. But unfortunately, traveling the country in pursuit of animal abuse costs money.
Thank You For Your Support!
As we approach the end of another year, I want to thank all of you who have made our efforts, and especially our victories for animals possible. Perhaps the highest profile story was the rescue and adoption of almost four thousand beagles from Envigo. That rescue was only possible because SHARK’s drones exposed the horror of what Envigo’s prisoners endured.
But there have been many, many more frontline operations by SHARK
investigators as we add Mexican rodeos to our already long list of abuses to expose, including American rodeos, cockfighting, live pigeon shoots, canned hunting, factory farms and more.
SHARK’s boat, the Bob & Nancy, has been used on many important campaigns to save lives, including for cownose rays and cormorants
SHARK also works to help other organizations, especially with our drones, as we are able.
The bottom line to SHARK’s method of operation, which makes us different from almost every other animal protection organization, is that we are on the front lines - in the field constantly - because that is the most direct place to make change.

Field work is extremely rare in today’s animal protection movement, even though nothing can touch field work for effectiveness. My greatest frustration in my life is watching those in this movement do less and less field work when more and more is what is needed.
SHARK cannot control what other groups do or don’t do. I cannot speak to the reason why other groups - especially those with resources - don’t employ these vastly productive techniques, especially with so many lives on the line. What I can do is ask for your support in 2023 to expand our efforts.
SHARK has tried to lead by example, but that has largely failed, to our great sorrow.
So be it, but we will continue to be the “Special Forces of Animal Protection” on the front lines, where it matters the most.
The frontline methods employed by SHARK will make great strides on issues we’ve never yet dealt with. Organizations and animals worldwide would benefit from our way of doing things. Drones, hidden cameras, long-range cameras, hovercraft and boats are all valuable tools to deal with animal abuse and rescue.
Imagine, for a moment, multiple SHARK teams stationed across the nation, and then beyond with motivated, dedicated, highly trained frontline people who think “outside the box,” taking on every kind of animal abuse.
Technology in the hands of stubborn, tenacious people who don’t back down can result in enormous changes, quickly. SHARK’s history shows that concept to be very true. Every issue we take on changes because we don’t stop until we have the change we want.
If you want to do everything you can for animals, you should support SHARK. 2023 can be a year of unprecedented success, but only with your support can we make that happen. It’s time to be part of the change you want. We can’t do it without you.
Please donate here.

Steve Hindi President, SHARK