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Celebrating 25 years of serving and representing British Muslim communities
To mark the beginning of the Muslim Council of Britain's 25th Anniversary, we hosted a dinner celebration with affiliates, partners and supporters from across the country.

🎉 We hope to continue celebrations into the new year. 
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💪 Advocacy

The Latest Census

61% of Muslims in England & Wales live in the lowest 40% of areas in the country ranked by deprivation score. Just 4% of Muslims live in the least deprived â…• of areas.

The Muslim Council of Britain is looking at the latest Census 2021 data from the Office of National Statistics on Ethnic groups, national identity, language, and religion.

Read some of the key findings here.
MCB input into COVID-19 inquiry

Dr Wajid Akhter (ASG) gave evidence to the COVID-19 Public Inquiry, including how to commemorate the victims, how faith groups should be engaged and facilitating members of the public to share their stories.
The latest with CFMM

Rizwana Hamid continued to deliver Masterclasses on "Reporting Muslims & Islam.' 

Further speaking at the international Journalism Week in Sheffield, &  Channel 4's Diversity Festival, the Women & Justice Summit in Istanbul and on gender-based Islamophobia in the media in Barcelona.
MCB contributes to APPG and raises awareness of upcoming demographic changes

Building on the MCB's Elderly Care report, Deputy Secretary-General Hassan Joudi highlighted Britain's ageing population.

Whilst Muslims communities are predominantly younger than average, an increasing fraction are retiring, with MCB's estimates projecting the Muslim population aged 65+ years will increase four-fold from 110,000 in 2011 to 450,000 by 2036.

Find out more here.
SG Visits Across the UK

November marked Interfaith Week; our Secretary-General spoke at the Leicester Cathedral, 'The Far and Near Lecture' the first Muslim woman to do so in its 50-year history.

Our SG also visited Swansea to join a panel discussion on Women in Faith Leaders.
IAM 2022

This November marked 10 years of Islamophobia Awareness Month #Tackling denial the MCB with Afzal Khan MP and Human Rights Watch UK, hosted a Parliamentary drop in session.

With MPs sharing their commitment to tackle Islamophobia.

📰 In the news

🔗  UK: Growing Muslim population hailed as 'strategic national asset'

🔗  Fulfil your pledge to govern with integrity, faith leaders urge prime minister

🔗 â€˜Scotland must stop being in denial about Islamophobia’: Leading Scots Muslims warn of growing hostility in classrooms, workplaces and on the streets

🔗 Britain had a far-right terrorist attack a week ago. Why the failure to call it by its true name?

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