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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 13 January


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


British doctors earning thousands from 'virgin repair' ops on young, mostly Muslim women

British doctors are earning thousands of pounds a time performing 'revirginisation' surgery on young women forced to prove they are 'pure' to their families.



Same-sex marriage now legal in Northern Ireland

Same-sex marriage is now legally recognised in Northern Ireland. From Monday, same-sex couples will be able to register to marry, meaning the first ceremonies will take place in February.



‘The church and politics don’t mix’ – NSS letter

NSS spokesperson Chris Sloggett says politicians in Scotland shouldn't pander to the Scottish Catholic Church's efforts to advance its ethical and moral positions through the ballot box.

The Sunday Times (£)


Defence minister apologises for Catholic military priests who outed gay soldiers

A defence minister has apologised after it emerged Catholic chaplains in the armed forces 'outed' gay personnel to military bosses in the 1990s.

Mail Online


Proposed change for pupils choosing Catholic secondary school in Inverclyde

Only pupils with a certificate of baptism into the Roman Catholic faith before entry to primary school will automatically be able to transfer from Inverclyde's village schools to their local Roman Catholic secondary, under a plan by education chiefs.

Inverclyde Now


Government to boost support for persecuted Christians abroad

The UK government has committed to increase protections for Christians who are having their right to freedom of religion violated abroad.

Premier Christian Radio


‘Whatever happened to “Je Suis Charlie”?’

Gavin Mortimer says the pen has not proved mightier than the sword in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack.

The Spectator


Most women do not regret having an abortion, study finds

An overwhelming majority of women who get an abortion do not regret the decision to undergo the procedure, according to a new study published in an academic journal. Researchers surveyed women across 21 US states.

The Guardian


Rebecca Long-Bailey vows to abolish House of Lords

Labour leadership hopeful Rebecca Long-Bailey has promised to abolish the House of Lords if she is elected to be prime minister.



Clive Lewis calls for referendum on royal family and elected second chamber

Labour leadership hopeful Clive Lewis's plans could potentially have implications for the ties between the monarchy and the Church of England and the seats granted to Church of England representatives in the Lords.

The Guardian


UK Somalis 'racially profiled' over FGM

Parents are wrongly being arrested and having their children taken into care due to the stigma around female genital mutilation, members of the UK Somali community have told the Victoria Derbyshire programme.



Victims to sue over abuse at Sailors' Society home

Former residents of a children's home in Argyll are suing the Christian charity which ran it over claims of physical and sexual abuse.



On TV tonight


Exposed: the church's dark secret

The story of the decades-long pursuit of Bishop Peter Ball by the individuals determined to bring him to justice, and the cover-up that went to the highest levels of the Church of England.

BBC Two, 9pm


In case you missed it: from the NSS


Regulator reconsiders proselytising doctor case after NSS challenge

A medical regulator will review a decision not to investigate a GP who brings up religion during appointments after an NSS intervention.


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