The only party that is actually delivering on the values of freedom, family, and faith is the Democrats.
Yesterday, Republicans tweeted about the things they supposedly ‘cherish’ during the holiday season:

Don’t be fooled, John — no matter what they say, Republicans are actively working against these things they supposedly cherish. The GOP spent “this time of year”:
❌ Robbing working families of relief by blocking the expanded Child Tax Credit
❌ Voting against marriage equality
❌ Stripping reproductive freedom
If they’re looking for three words that would suit their agenda better, I have a few: fear, fraud, and fanaticism.
When the GOP takes control of the House of Representatives in a week, they’re going to do everything they can to push legislation that actively works against freedom, faith, and families. Can you help us build the party that will fight back against GOP attacks on our rights by donating $3 today?
John, no matter what the GOP claims, the only party that is actually delivering on the values of freedom, family, and faith is the Democrats.
Democrats are fighting for freedom: the freedom to vote, the freedom to make choices about our own bodies, the freedom that economic security through good jobs and good health care gives people.
Democrats are working on legislation that protects families: from fighting to keep families together at the border, to making sure that interracial and LGBTQIA+ couples can thrive with their families, and investing in families through policies like the Child Tax Credit and paid leave.
And Democrats are keeping the faith: faith in this country and our democracy, the faith in each of us having opportunity regardless of where we were born, what our zip code is, and more.
With Republicans taking the House, it’s so important that Democrats go on the offensive so we can continue to fight for faith, freedom, and families. Can you donate $3 today to help build our progressive movement so we can fight back against whatever the Republicans throw at us?
In solidarity,
Pramila Jayapal