21/1 2020

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Who should pay the corporate tax?

A vast body of research shows that workers bear most of the burden of the corporate income tax – at least half. However, this fact is almost always overlooked in the current EU and OECD discussions about the taxation of digital and multinational firms. Moreover, if taxing rights were shifted to countries where consumers are located rather than where value is created, which recent OECD policy ideas suggest, workers would pay taxes to governments that do not represent them.

To bring this discussion to Sweden, Timbro has published the report "Should unfairness be maintained in corporate taxation? The disguise of the incidence in EU and OECD tax planning” by Matthias Bauer in co-operation with the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE). At the seminar, he will present his main findings, which will be followed by a panel discussion.

The panel will consist of:
Matthias Bauer, Senior Economist at ECIPE
Jacob Lundberg, Chief Economist at Timbro
Patrick Krassén, Tax Policy Expert at Företagarna
Moderator: Emanuel Örtengren, Program Coordinator Welfare Policy at Timbro

Sign up here
Date: Tuesday, January 21st.
Time: 12 - 1pm. Lunch from 11.30am.
Place: Timbro, Kungsgatan 60, Stockholm.
Please sign up by January 20th.

Timbro grundades 1978 och är en del av Stiftelsen Fritt Näringsliv. Vårt uppdrag är att utveckla idéer och långsiktigt bilda opinion för marknadsekonomi, fri företagsamhet, individuell frihet och ett öppet samhälle. Vi tror på allas rätt att forma sitt eget liv, i sin egen takt och att ta ansvar för detsamma.

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