URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The plastic pollution crisis is killing wildlife, harming people, and destroying the earth! 

Picture how much plastic it would take to fill up an entire garbage truck. That’s how much plastic waste is carelessly DUMPED into our oceans EVERY SINGLE MINUTE -- killing helpless marine animals and destroying their habitat. 

Floating plastic scraps fluttering around the water can look a lot like fish to animals, such as dolphins and birds, who often mistake it for food. And plastic bags closely resemble jellyfish, a favorite meal of baby sea turtles. But rather than a tasty snack, these innocent animals could easily CHOKE AND DIE or become ENTANGLED in all this plastic trash overrunning our precious oceans. 

If this continues, scientists predict that in less than 30 years, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea. And without a healthy ocean ecosystem, our entire planet is in grave danger -- so it’s urgent that we ACT NOW to curb rampant plastic pollution before this PLASTIC APOCALYPSE. Please, Friend add your name right now to STOP plastic from destroying our oceans and killing marine life! >> 

It’s not just our oceans that are in plastic peril, Friend. Plastic is non-biodegradable, meaning it never goes away. But all of that plastic garbage has to end up somewhere on earth -- so when it’s not making its way into our oceans, it often ends up in landfills, seeping toxic chemicals into the soil. Instead of disappearing, plastics break down into tiny microplastics that contaminate the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe. 

Even the manufacturing of plastic releases tons of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere -- worsening global warming and spewing dangerous chemicals into nearby communities that are most often low-wealth and BIPOC.

But the corporate polluters over at Big Plastic are more concerned with their profits than people or the planet’s health, so they’re not slowing down. In fact, plastic production has been forecast to grow by at least 60% by 2030. If we don’t END this rampant plastic crisis, it will have devastating consequences for our planet. Will you take action to END plastic pollution and SAVE our planet from collapse? SIGN NOW >>

Thanks for taking action to defeat plastic pollution! 
Friends of the Earth 
