Dear John,

With just a few days left before we turn the calendar to 2023, I wanted to thank you again for your generosity and support over this past year.

Together, we've chalked up important victories for our environment and the future of our natural world, and given frontline communities the crucial support they need to win fights for environmental justice.

I have big news: for all we accomplished this year, we're setting our sights even higher next year. 

That's why I'm hoping you'll help us get off to a great start by making a generous year-end contribution to Earthworks today

Here's a quick checklist of our top priorities for the New Year:

Slash methane pollution. The long-awaited EPA Methane Rule is a huge step forward. But the oil and gas industry is already sharpening its knives to weaken it. We're here to make sure the new rule is as strong as possible and fight for the resources needed to enforce it. 

Bend the curve down on oil and gas production. We're pushing the Biden administration to declare a climate emergency, reinstate the crude oil export ban, stop offshore oil and gas drilling, and restrict private investment in overseas fossil fuel projects.

Stop new oil, gas, and petrochemical projects. We're partnering with local communities to stop massive new projects—including a sprawling petrochemical plant in Louisiana and oil export terminals in Texas—that would damage local ecosystems, and threaten frontline communities. 

Make sure clean energy doesn't mean dirty mining. Electric vehicles and other clean energy products means exploding demand for lithium, copper, and other minerals. We're working to meet this demand with recycling and other responsible sourcing instead of more destructive mines.

Reform the Mining Law of 1872. We're on the cusp of reforming this badly outdated law, which has been ripping off taxpayers, devastating local ecosystems, and trampling on sacred Tribal sites since Ulysses S. Grant was in the White House.


Your generosity will mean so much to families on the front lines of mining, energy development, and petrochemical projects who are reaching out for our help every day. Your support enables us to answer those calls.

So please, donate right now to Earthworks.

Thank you so much for whatever you're able to give.


Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director


P.S. To win more victories for frontline communities and a sustainable future for all, we need you with us going into 2023. Please give whatever you can today. Thanks again!  |  Make a Donation

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Washington, DC 20006
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