Dear Friend,
This year brought a resurgence of worker power to our country. From Starbucks workers setting a new vision for fast food workers to Amazon workers organizing across the entire logistics chain. Or the thousands of academics at the University of California system who banded together in record numbers – workers are organizing like never before, and Jobs With Justice has been supporting them the entire way.
Unfortunately, worker-driven momentum led employers down an aggressive path of retaliation, utilizing every anti-union tactic in the book. Unjust firings, spreading propaganda, interfering in union elections…. You name it; they are doing it.
Luckily, Jobs With Justice and our network are fighting back with everything we have. We are organizing our communities in support of workers at Amazon, Starbucks, and more. But we need your help. Please donate today to ensure that we have what we need in 2023 and beyond - and don’t forget that you can DOUBLE your impact thanks to a generous donor who is matching all contributions up to $25,000 through 12/31. Don’t wait – donate today!
Through good times and bad, you have stood with working people. We know that you agree with our belief that to build an economy and democracy where all people can thrive, we must boost the ability of people everywhere to win improvements in all facets of their lives, at the workplace and beyond.
We hope you remember that your support makes all the difference to working people fighting for their lives. Please, there’s no time to waste: make your year-end contribution TODAY!
In solidarity and with gratitude,
Jobs With Justice