Dear friend,
At FAMM, we're trying to raise $200,000 by December 31 to help us work for second chances – and advance our mission. Will you give a gift today to help us reach our goal?
In 2022, with your help, even in a difficult environment, FAMM was able to achieve significant victories, including the following:
- Retroactive sentencing reform in Tennessee. Early in 2022, we convinced the Tennessee legislature to make the 2020 drug-free school zone law reform retroactive. Several hundred people are eligible for shorter, fairer sentences, and already we have heard from some who are now free because of this reform.
- Expanding compassionate release in California. FAMM sponsored a bill to reform California's broken compassionate release program. The legislature and governor agreed with us that wasting millions on incarcerating sick and elderly people does not make our communities safer. Our reform was signed into law in early October.
- Fixing the federal crack disparity. In Washington, D.C., we helped build broad bipartisan support to eliminate the disparity between federal sentences for crimes involving crack and powder cocaine. We remain hopeful that Congress will fix this racially discriminatory law before the end of the year. If we are successful, more than 7,000 families could be reunited sooner.
- Preserved gains in Pennsylvania. FAMM once again led a successful effort to block reinstatement of drug- and gun-related mandatory minimums, despite bipartisan calls to bring them back. We also played a key role in convincing Gov. Tom Wolf to veto a proposal that would have required mandatory prison time for some probation violations.
By giving today, you'll help us do even more in 2023. Will you give a gift right now to help us reach our goal?
Thank you,

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM