Supporter: [email protected]
Have you signed our grassroots petition calling for AG William Barr to resign? We want to add your signature right next to Rep. Hank Johnson’s.
John — Attorney General William Barr has made clear that his loyalty is to Donald Trump, not the American people.
AG Barr pulled out all the stops to defend Trump from the damning Mueller Report, promoted debunked fringe conspiracy theories about spying on the Trump campaign, and even said that the FBI under President Obama was a greater threat than Russia to American democracy.
If you agree that his behavior is unbecoming an Attorney General, will you sign Hank’s petition calling for William Barr to resign? AG Barr has broken the American people’s trust for the last time, and we need to build grassroots pressure to return impartial justice to the Justice Department.
Thank you,
— The whole grassroots team at