Friends, I hope you’re having a great holiday season with your friends and family. I just wanted to reach out with a note of reflection and thanks before we end the year. 


You probably know me from our monthly newsletter — Full Court Press — but just in case you haven’t seen my name pop up before, hello! I’m Alexa. I work with Sarah and the amazing team at Take Back the Court to run point on all of our communications work. 


I came to this fight because after years of watching the Court threaten my friends’, my family’s, my neighbors’, and my own fundamental rights and freedoms, I wanted to start playing offense against the right-wing partisans who control the institution. And today, I’m reaching out to make my case for why you should join me.


In addition to what you’ve seen in our newsletter, we've done a lot of other great work this year, too. Here’s some of the work I’m proudest of: 

  • We sounded the alarm on Clarence Thomas’ myriad conflicts of interest and called on Congress to investigate; 
  • We supported a coalition of nearly a dozen state abortion rights groups in red, blue, and purple states in their announcement endorsing Court expansion; and
  • We earned coverage in a Mother Jones story that beautifully lays out the growing strength of the movement to expand the Court.
Some of my proudest moments of the year!


Can you chip in to fund this movement to save our democracy and ensure that we can keep this momentum going into 2023?


These past few years, my advocacy has centered on protecting abortion rights and democracy. I joined this organization because it was all too obvious to me that the institution meant to protect and uphold these rights and principles was instead launching an all-out attack on them — chipping away at our access to birth control and abortion, decimating our voting rights, and allowing unlimited corporate campaign spending to pollute our electoral system. It was not serving as the impartial authority it claimed to be, but instead as the Republican Party’s legal department.


And as I come up on a year at Take Back the Court, I’m glad to say that our work has helped dispel the myth of the Court and made a real impact on the ways people talk about it. We need your support to continue that work.


This past earth-shattering term, we saw major media outlets cover the fading legitimacy of the Court, and for the first time, a majority of Americans support increasing the number of justices to rein in this out-of-control institution.


The right-wing justices showed us who they are, and it’s clear that the American people are not okay with six unelected judges dragging us back to the 1800s. 


People are seeing this Court for what it truly is — and they’re ready for change. That’s why I’m even more excited for the work we’re going to do in this next year: More media and thought leaders are ready everyday to talk about this Court’s threat to our rights, and a new Congress brings with it new champions for Court reform — all ready to use their platforms to elevate this important issue. 


I’m proud to be in this fight because I know that Court expansion is the way we stop this stolen Court’s attacks on our rights and freedoms and build an institution that truly works to protect us — rather than to rule over us.


This year, for the first time ever, a majority of Americans support expanding the Supreme Court. Will you donate today to make sure that we can build our movement even more in 2023?


Grateful to be in this fight with you, 


Alexa Barrett

Press Secretary, Take Back the Court Action Fund