With your monthly support as a Democracy Defender today, the Fair Fight team will continue to make positive change in election cycles to come. 

We hope you and your loved ones are having a joyful holiday season!

After a big year of races and runoffs, everyone deserves the chance to take a break. Believe us, we get it.

What if we told you there’s a way to continue supporting Fair Fight that doesn’t require heavy lifting or your regular attention? Join our Democracy Defenders program today by starting a monthly recurring donation. Set it and forget it!

This election cycle may be over, but our fight for free and fair elections isn’t. We’re ready to hit the ground running in 2023. Whether it’s strengthening advocacy within priority communities here in Georgia or fighting for the freedom to vote in states across the country, your monthly gift will help make positive change.

Recurring donations make it easier to plan our budget — ensuring our team can build long-lasting programs, create comprehensive training and education plans, and invest consistently in increasing ballot access for everyone. Together, we’ll keep meeting voters where they are, training more volunteers, and boosting our voter protection efforts to be prepared for all the challenges that lie ahead.

What do you say? Join the Democracy Defenders in our mission to protect the freedom to vote — commit to a monthly donation of $5 or more today to become a founding member (and claim your free sticker, too!).


Thank you for everything,

The Fair Fight Team

P.S. We understand not everyone is able to chip in monthly. If you’re able to make a one-time contribution, you can do so here.