Hi John,
Democracy is in crisis and there's something you can do about it.
Nearly a quarter of Americans surveyed believe that “threats to our democracy” is the biggest issue facing our country.1 We agree with them and we know that you do too!
The good news is we have the solutions to these big problems. But we have to dramatically expand our movement to push our message far and wide.
We need your help to do it. You can have TRIPLE the impact on growing this movement when you make your year-end gift before MIDNIGHT on December 31. Can we count on you?
When you give today, you're supercharging an already-growing movement with a proven track record of success.
We have spent the last decade passing laws at the state and local levels to build a better, more representative government from the ground up. We have a winning message that resonates with people all across the political spectrum who have already pledged to put their country over their party. And together, we’re demanding the government work for the people, not special interests.
But to keep winning, we just need you to build a bigger platform to reach like-minded patriots and bring them into the movement!
Make a gift right now and a group of RepresentUs donors will make it go THREE TIMES as far – up to $100,000 – right up until the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Will you launch our movement into 2023 with a gift today?
Your support will help our 2023 priority campaigns in states like Maine, Georgia and Arizona as well as cities like San Diego, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
We know we can win when we have the resources to fight.
With your help, we're going to do incredible things again in 2023.
With hope,
Megan Caska Senior Political Director RepresentUs
[1] "Threats to democracy top list of issues facing US: poll", The Hill  |