See you at the march!

 Dear John,

This Saturday January 18, the Women's March 2020 will take place in Washington D.C., New York, and other locations around the country.   Coming just 10 months before the November election and as Congress prepares for Trump's trial it promises to be a hugely important event.  You can share the event on Facebook here.

March locations around the country can be located using this tool.    The New York march is meeting at Foley Square.  We encourage our clubs and members to participate with our banners and signs. Please take photos and videos so that the Party's presence can be shared online.

Signaling the importance of Saturday's event, march organizers pointed out,  "January 18th is the next step to reverse the attacks against our bodies and our rights: people marching in the streets together, rising above Trump and everything he stands for, to win the change we need."

They are absolutely right.  

See you at the march!



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