We rely on your donations. When you give, you’re supporting the work of Missio Alliance and Christian leaders across North America.
We rely on your donations. When you give, you’re supporting the work of Missio Alliance, Christian leaders, and theological practitioners across North America —and beyond.
This year, your donations will go to further developing these three areas:
Why Stay Retreat: An intimate, honest dialogue in a retreat space with a small, meaningful group of Christian leaders about your own calling as a Christian leader where you can process and discern the nature of your Kingdom work.
Writing Fellows: A cohort of maturing writers, particularly including women and people of color, who are seeking to develop their writing skills and release their prophetic voice within the wider Kingdom, in the areas of formation, justice, and mission.
Resource Library: A curated, formational, praxis-oriented library of resources (writing, podcasts, teaching, conversations) available for you to deepen your discipleship pathway as you seek to follow Jesus in your context.